Friday, October 05, 2007

5 Oct 07

4 Oct

Went to Miss E.'s retirement party, which would have been lovely in any case but which became particularly amusing when she of the silver-striped red hair came up to Anna and me as though she were about to ask a question. "Oh!" she announced, "I saw you [that is, me] on the curb at the corner of Waverly and Greene... this was Tuesday at 5:00, I was coming out of class... and you were talking to this GORGEOUS man, with a beard [insert goatee-size jaw rub here] and you were just LAUGHING...." At this point in the conversation I really WAS laughing, and Anna jumped in to add, since I was otherwise engaged, that if she'd been talking to him she would have been laughing too because he's funny. By this time I had stopped cackling enough to respond with an explanation of who he was and how long we've been going out, which tripped her up for a quarter of a second (ha!) before she rolled right on with commentary about sparks and how much I was obviously enjoying myself. She's right, of course, but it amuses me no end to think that she looked hard enough (or thought about it long enough!) to figure it out. Or am I that obvious...?


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