31 Aug 07
More interesting things:
Trekked schoolward (to meet Professor Alpha for his last few boxes and things), ambling past a guy cutting luxurious bends and slaloms back and forth across Broadway on his blades and singing throatily: not the kind of thing you get on Glades Road, so much.
Watched the 6 come around the corner, I think at Astor Place, and thought irrepressibly about the trolley on Mr. Rogers.
Jumped (with great abandon, since I didn't know what the result would be) into a cab headed for 125th and Park. Some kid tried to cut the cabbie off and expressed his frustrations with his middle finger; when this earned a middle finger back, the kid decided to escalate to calling the cabbie a faggot. That still wasn't good enough, because the cabbie replied - in classic second-grade style - "YOU'RE a faggot! You are!", this time leading the kid to screech around the cab and hang a ridiculous, squealing left... to the accompaniment of the cabbie's bellow, "Fuck your wife!" - and then a very even-keeled apology to me. I think I thanked him for the entertainment, but if I didn't do it then, I'm doing it now.
Spotted a kayaker on one or another of the rivers between here and the small but lovely rectangular state to the northeast.
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