Thursday, September 06, 2007

6 Sep 07




$5, D.P. and protein bar, usual place.
$16, an okay salad, what used to be the bug place but now has some improbable Irish/Mexican name. (It's Murphy and Gonzalez, but I wanted to take a minute to make fun of it first.)
$some, mussels, fries, and beer, Belgian beer bar (not that that's what it's actually called.)

More interesting things:

Thought about the propensity of someone I know to strike up conversations with whomever he happens to be sitting next to long enough to make me smile, then looked up from my seat to see one of those subway poems appropriate enough to make me grin: "To You," by Walt Whitman -
STRANGER! if you, passing, meet me, and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you? That would be - you got it, folks - another "thank you."

Watched Anne's class - which was great fun; I hope I'll get to go back sometime - and received a chorus of compliments on my relatively freshly-painted toenails. I'm mostly just impressed that they even noticed, but that they did and then added to it with their very kind observations was pretty cool. (And now I cannot believe that this general topic has been mentioned at least TWICE on this blog. What the hell is my problem?)

Spotted one of those "I am not a plastic bag" bags on the shoulder of someone in Washington Square: eBay, or the genuine stand-on-line efforts?


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