24 Sep 07
18 Sep
Heard from the advisor guy on our floor that Professor Alpha likes me, which I sorta pretty much knew (not that I'm not always glad to hear it, now!), but this time in a context that suggested maybe he's not always that fond of people? Who knows... but it was funny.
Scored a cookie - "here, have this while you're waiting" - from the Brooklyn-Sicilian guy who fixed my prosciut' sandwich at that deli.
19 Sep
Crossed Broadway behind a lady and two crazy dogs. They were "Goldendoodles" - terrible name, but funny pups who, being six months old, simply could not cross the whole street without stopping to step on each other's head several times. They were, like, tumbleweeding across the road, and stopped so many times to gnaw at each other that eventually the lady sort of picked one up and essentially dragged the other one behind her: ha!
Sat in a supe meeting and admired two of New York's finest moseying by outside, one with two legs, of course, although they weren't on the ground, and one with four.
Enjoyed a trot around to the post office and the bank before lunch with Professor Alpha at Spice and a social hour in the Social Corner immediately following.
Watched, with Anne and Anna, the filming of a Truth commercial featuring some punching bags and a bizarre line about "you might hit your wife!" in Union Square. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Looked several times to make sure I was in fact looking at a yellow cab with sirens and unmarked-car-style cop lights, shrieking and flashing and trying to pull away down 14th Street. I didn't know they had such a thing.
20 Sep
Called Professor Alpha to tell him that a large box had arrived for him and was sitting on my desk; that was resolved pretty quickly (red jujube moon cakes, don'tcha know) and we were able to get on to the following sentence, after I responded to his observation that he'd had such a nice time yesterday with the comment that I missed him: "Listen, honey, I miss you too! Don't you get that? You're not the only misser here!" HA!
21 Sep
Got on a plane headed south - yeah, baby - in the company of a comedian head flight attendant. He prefaced his announcement that it was almost time to start drinks with "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sky," as though it were somewhere we had just landed, and reminded us before leaving to "take everything off the plane that you brought on with you... iPods... children." Heh.
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