Monday, April 23, 2007

23 Apr 07




$3, usual egg-white breakfast, usual egg-white place.
$8, usual salad lunch, usual salad place (which is, of course, the egg-white place until 11am.)
$30, a cool Greek dinner, Gus's Place.

More interesting things:

Got an East Rockaway waft as I sat up and considered climbing out of my bed this morning. I really do not get it - what property of an open window causes air coming through it to smell like that, when air at nose-height from the ground rarely or never does? Is it a wind scent? A metal-windowframe scent? (That actually might not surprise me, but there's no screen on my current window to make the metal smell so strong.) Is it the contrast between fresh air and the relative staleness of apartment air, inevitable no matter how spotless you keep things? I'm trying to think if I got it in Florida, and I actually think the answer is yes; the reason it took me so long to figure that out, of course, is that one very rarely keeps windows open down there (and when you do it often has a lot to do with the same thing that causes the fresh scent to be far outweighted by the lovely aroma of a droopily - and involuntarily - un-air-conditioned house.) I don't know. But whatever it is, I hope it keeps coming.

Puzzled just a bit over a question Professor Number Four posed between the time I announced that I'd stopped by because I missed him and the second when the phone rang and Professor Number Three showed up - he wanted to know about my schedule after May 4. When I told him (accompanied, I'm sure, by a facial expression meant to indicate that I didn't quite get his point) about the class I'm teaching and those I want to take, he clarified (maybe), "No, I mean in June," before being saved by the bell. So now, of course, I'd really, really like to know: what's with June? The nice thing here, though, is that if I can't yet know what's with June, contemplating the thought that there is some kind of (interesting, as I imagine it) plan is a good and amusing second option.


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