Saturday, April 14, 2007

12 Apr 07




? again, but - again - I could guess: 4 for breakfast at the usual place, 8 for lunch at the usual place, and another 20 for Blockhead's (with my lovely roommate Ben, which makes it priceless, of course.)

More interesting things:

Slogged through the rain. It went from "slogging" to the much happier "dodging," though, when as I stood waiting damply for the subway first the alma mater and then the fight song came on. This is generally enough to make me smile in any case, especially because they're not one song - my iPod picked one after the other out of 1500 possibilities - but that day in particular because after a second I thought of who was playing: The Pride of the Sunshine.

Enjoyed my phone conversation with Professor Alpha, of course, and got his outline squared away pretty easily. He laughed at me when he first answered the phone, though; he said he'd been getting worried that I might have fallen off a cliff, but rather than explain that I had had to finish chewing my egg sandwich, I chose a more dignified response (I don't remember exactly what I said, but it didn't matter, because it made him laugh more.) Then at some point he called me "a good woman," prompting my usual response of, "Well, what can I tell you?", sparking in turn another good belly laugh and "...ha ha ha... you don't have to tell me anything!... ha ha ha...." It was funny - ha-ha funny, of course, but also weird-funny - because it made me think of how it felt to talk to Dr. B. on the phone, and that now I'm as comfortable with him and all my other professors as he probably thought I should have been then. Is that a function of being older now? Or more, I think, because the professors here did such a thorough job of inculcating that sense....


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