9 Apr 07
Plane landed at 830, at my desk (with breakfast in hand) at 1013. That's kind of a long time.
$6, oatmeal, D.P., and water, the usual place.
$8, usual lunch, the usual place.
$0 (Professor Alpha bought, I fetched), coffee, the usual place.
$9, some decent sesame noodles, Dojo.
More interesting things:
Stood at Jamaica waiting for a train into the city and felt like I was standing in a slot at the bottom of the Plinko board. You could see trains coming up in the distance, and they looked like they were headed right toward you, but you could also see the sneaky tangle of tracks woven between the station and that headlight like pins between a California college kid and ten thousand dollars. Only one train slid up to a platform that wasn't mine before I got to park myself in Penn Station-bound warmth, though, so that wasn't too bad.
Gave directions to slightly lost "admissions guests" twice; I think my conspicuously purple sweatshirt counteracted the effect the headphones I was wearing on one of those occasions normally have.
Made Professor Alpha laugh, for real. Before he'd gotten as far as my Skinner comment, which was what did it, he had commented that I "was on a roll on that plane" I guess because of my subject lines. I sort of smiled and responded that I didn't know if anyone else found my writing funny, but that I found it amusing, so that was something at least. And then a few seconds later: a genuine belly laugh that caused him to put my paper down - right there, an accomplished afternoon.
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