22 Apr 07
$23, groceries (really yogurt, fruit, and plastic cups to eat it out of), Gristede's.
$12 (or so), two cabs - one to Marisa's and one back.
More interesting things:
Kept iTunes running in the background while attempting to get some work done, and in the process was reminded of the time the song "Bright Lights" by Matchbox 20 came on just as I was a) attempting to make The Big School Decision and b) driving past Spyglass, The Old Elm Pit. It turns out that the bright lights do seem to have received me, but someday I'm still gonna turn myself around and come on home. (Unfortunately, the band has not composed a plan for what to do when you have more than one home and the city of bright lights is among them. Maybe I should write that one.)
Enjoyed a needle-toothed visit to Marisa's, where she let us goof around with her puppy and cooked such a nice dinner that it made me feel old: am I really at a point in life where (even if it's not me we're talking about) my friends have real apartments with real stoves and real plans for the actual cooking of dinner and that, furthermore, while eating said dinner we discuss things like tax abatements? Amazing but true, and all the more enjoyable because at other moments, in venues both similar and different, we also scarf down pizza and talk about our teachers. I don't think I could ask for more at the moment.
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