Friday, April 20, 2007

19 Apr 07




$3, peanut butter bagel, usual place.
$7, sandwich and D.P., usual place.
$20 (I think), pizza and so on, Piola (which was quite good.)

More interesting things:

Asked, with a totally unsuspecting and innocent approach, whether Professor Alpha had a Sharpie I could borrow for labeling the picture CDs from yesterday, and got the thickest, most pointed laugh - it can really only be described as a "guffaw" - I've heard yet, accompanied by the lines, "Do I have a Sharpie in my office. [It was not a question that time.] A Sharpie. Snort, snort. WHAT...." Here, clearly, I needed to interrupt and yelp about why he was making fun of me; in a voice that was as thick and pointed as his laugh, he answered that no, he was making fun of himSELF, so on and so forth, an assertion which lost a lot of its persuasive power when he provided his own drawer-rifling accompaniment of "Snort, snort... a Sharpie... snort." Har.

Sat at Professor Alpha's speech at the far end of one of the U's I'd crafted in tables and chairs, so that I would be out of the way of people climbing in and could easily stand if I had to give up my spot. My distance from the door, though, meant that my nearest neighbor ended up being a chair away, and for awhile before that two chairs, which may have been what inspired Professor Number Five to get up from her place in the middle, squeeze over to me, announce that I looked like I needed a hug, and proceed to provide me with a very firm one, which of course I appreciated quite a lot: partly because it's always nice to get a hug, but partly because it cracked me up.

Noticed, as I walked to class, a car with a PBC plate. The driver was actually sitting in it, and I thought seriously about talking to her, but then I decided that might be a little too weird and opted to keep moving.

Announced for the benefit of the fast-moving Professor Alpha (he had a bunch of student appointments scheduled, I think) that my classmate had had a baby boy, to which he responded (loudly, and as he flounced down the hall past people's offices, in which they may even have been trying to do some work), "That's great! Everybody's okay? Ten fingers, ten toes, little pecker, the whole thing?" Of course, I bust out laughing, but controlled it well enough to respond in only a mildly strangled-sounding voice that I figured everything was okay; whether for purposes of prolonging the pecker conversation or because he actually didn't hear he bellowed a "what?" back, followed quickly by the observation - which he'd turned back momentarily to deliver - that "you know, that's very important in that culture!" You know what else is very important in that culture? OY!


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