17 Apr 07
I don't know; it was a long, long, LONG day, and I didn't keep track.
More interesting things:
Defaulted, sort of, to this pub on Macdougal, which turned out to be pretty good, although in the absence of decent cider (they had only Magner's - yecch) I resorted to Smirnoff Ice, which is so wimpy it's the official beverage of people who are just cutting their liquor-teeth. Anyway, to go with my wimp-drink (and much tougher, presumably), two horse cops sauntered by. (And before you think I need to make that last clause a little more specific, let me reword it: "...two horse cops sauntered by, blue-helmeted riders on top." I love it.)
Led the P.V.'s friend back to Penn Station, where she commented on how it seems like "this is just your neighborhood" (awesome) and that we should "take good care of [the P.V.]!" (yes!) All of this puffed my energy up enough that I was as able to enjoy barrelling through the station as much as I usually do, and that's saying something, since I was approaching near-record levels of weariness at that point.
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