Sunday, December 31, 2006

31 Dec 06

***Vacation Update: Just More Interesting Things***

This state was a running theme during our week in that state. I answered a call to our cabin-thingy which turned out to be a wrong number; the lady told me she was looking for her daughter-in-law who was from Florida, so of course I announced that at least she'd gotten it half-right. On adding exactly what part we were from, she told me that she had grown up here and went to Atlantic back when it was Seacrest. Of all the cabins she could have called....

And then to add to that, we were in the parking lot of what was by far the nicest grocery store we have yet encountered on these trips when we saw a specimen of a family that, in their beat-up conversion van and electric-pink trucker's ball cap (well, on one of them, anyway), caused my mom to observe that "THEY" (as opposed to 95% of the rest of the people in the parking lot) "are from North Carolina." I added, not very politely but apparently accurately, "Yeah, or Mississippi... or some other place where they keep the hicks." Of course, when they closed the back door of the van Sister spotted a Florida license plate; discussion of whether they hailed from the Panhandle or somewhere near Gainesville came to a screeching halt when they spun down our aisle and I was able to see that the plate, in fact, said Palm Beach.

Otherwise, very much enjoyed the NC trip. I decided that unlike the rest of the year, when I'm highly motivated to make lists and cross things off them, vacation comes for my brain as much as anything else; I envisioned my thoughts as a pile of furry, like, minks or something, resting in a jumbled-up pile and only getting up slowly, one at a time, before collapsing back into the heap for examination later.

And that's all the weirdness from this particular update. I'll probably have more the next time I hide in Panera with a half-ingested cup of coffee for the purpose of using their internet.


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