Saturday, June 16, 2007

9 June 07





More interesting things:

Kicked, accidentally, that guy who I'm always sitting across from at DT/UT. I apologized; he said that it happened a lot at that table and that, furthermore, he'd met his last girlfriend that way (!). I didn't respond to this as supportively as I should have, but when I slid around to his side to retrieve my computer plug, I apologized again, and this time got the observation that he was always getting kicked around but it was okay to get kicked around by some people. Heh.

Caught a cab across town to meet Anne for some quick shopping and some only slightly less quick cooking. On the way, in an effort to cross another long-standing item off my list, I called my grandparents. They told me about their plans to come up later in the month, and then my grandmother asked how things were going. I didn't realize how inspiring the description of my middle-aged former-lawyer student would be; after replying with moderately amused exasperation that he does, in fact, have not just a wife but also children, my grandmother responded with, "Oh well, you're probably not supposed to have sex with your students anyway." YECCH! (But, I have to admit, quite funny.)

Admired, somewhat confusedly, one among quite a few of those big, like, tone-setting photo decoration things at The Gap: it involved a little kid at the beach - standard fare for a prep store in June, needless to say - but it was labeled "BIG SURF... NO SHARKS." I could not quite fathom the underlying thinking here: by denying something that might not have entered a kid's head in the first place, doesn't it turn into something on the order of "The lady doth protest too much"? Like, if you were walking down the street, and someone said, "Don't worry, no flowerpots are going to fall on your head," wouldn't looking up to check for flowerpots be pretty much the very next thing you'd do?

Spotted... Dianne Wiest, near Columbus Circle. Hot damn. (And also some other guy whose name I cannot now recall; ask Anne - she was the only one among the two of us who knew who he was anyway!)


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