Saturday, June 23, 2007

19 Jun 07





More interesting things:

Started my day out considerably earlier than I had planned. I was on for the gym at oh-dark-thirty, but awoke even earlier to a text chirp, followed by a lengthy and VERY enjoyable phone conversation. 'Nuff said.

Walked my current nippers to their observation at an elementary school not far from our own campus, escorted by J. Hardy, who has been associating with this school for (apparently) eight years now. Anyway, as we crossed the park, I answered J. Hardy's question about how I was planning to stay in touch with Chair Professor Alpha by explaining that Alpha is very communicative and keeps up not only with email but with phone calls and even text messages; J. Hardy agreed and added, in a tone that suggested he should have started his next comment with "It doesn't matter anyway because...", that Alpha "really likes you, that's clear." Heh.

Met with Professor Number Six, who signed a copy of the accreditation report before handing it over. He's the bomb.

Grabbed lunch with Anne and waited with her on the corner while she caught a cab back to the high school. It was good to see her - it had been a long time since we'd gotten caught up out of hearing range of people under the age of 21!

Received my... committee letter. We will disregard the imperious tone in which it dictates my graduation date - I did sell that one to the dean 100% willingly - and will instead celebrate the three names which appear at the top. Here's once more to Professor Alpha... and Professor Delta, without whom I would have been stuck at just two.


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