Saturday, June 16, 2007

11 June 07





More interesting things:

Stopped to bother Professor Number Four for a few minutes, and mentioned my student with the pedagogy problem (that is, he doesn't think he needs it.) Number Four's response? In a quiet, casual, everyday-Number-Four-style tone... "Fuck him, right? Just fuck him." (It's important - at least in my mind - to note that the tone here was so offhand that even my gutter-dwelling mind never considered that as a directive, incidentally; it was an obvious and pleasant instance of Number Four sticking out my thought as though it were his, or vice versa.)

Got a call from Anne and met her at Apple for a nicer lunch than I'd expected that day - thanks, dude!

Wondered mostly idly at the fact that Professor Alpha had not yet returned from his own lunch by the time Marisa and I were getting ready to go to class, but got to stop doing that when he called to let me know where he was. "I forgot to tell you," he explained, "that I was going to the doctor right from lunch, and I didn't want you to think I'd gotten hit by a truck or anything. I'll give you a full report on the ultrasounded kidneys when I get back." Har - first because I DO like to know these things, second because the only reason he knows I like to know these things is that he does, too.

Rang Dr. B. for the first time in a really (too) long time. We chatted for about an hour, during the course of which he mentioned a few times that he'd been worried I might have "outgrown" him. (As if.) When he said that one more time near what seemed to be the end of our discussion, I told him I was so sorry to hear that (prompting him to ask, reasonably, in front of whom he could be insecure if not me?) and asked whether he would now indulge my insecurities and tell me if the call had made him feel better. I think the positive answer I got was for real, because it was accompanied by, "R., I love you"; the unwavering, matter-of-fact tone in which I responded in kind was a nice signal from my subconscious brain that my polite brain was absolutely correct.


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