Friday, April 27, 2007

27 Apr 07




$2, muffin, the red place (for a change.)
$4, toasted muffin (what) and bottle of juice, Flowers.
$4, gelato, Yolatto (or whatever it's called.)

More interesting things:

Headed to the train down to my student-teachers with a funny sentence rolling around in my head, courtesy of yet another party email from someone whom I had not, technically, emailed myself but who does in fact appear on the list of people I still have to biographize: "Of COURSE you can come! We'll look forward to it. But if you actually want to come all the way in - like, through the door, so you're not limited to waving from afar - you have to bring your CV."

Enjoyed very, very thoroughly my time with the STs, despite the fact that I was also very, very tired.

Headed back in the direction of my desk (after an unusual decision to get right up to the southern edge of the park rather than walking along until the library), umbrella rolled up, notebook in hand, headphones in ears, jaywalking but not too badly until the part where I doubled back at the sound of two voices bellowing my name. Since I have been known to miss completely honks, calls, whistles, and the like from people trying to get my attention as I pass them on the street, it was pretty impressive that Professors Alpha and Number Four even entered my awareness, but I was glad they did, since they sort of bowled me over in the opposite direction, pulling me along as the "audience" for their reading party. That would be enough detail for this story, because I doubt I'll forget it, but I think the pair-ness of this pair needs to be preserved wherever I find it, so I'll add that as I yanked one ear clear and sort of smiled (goofily, I'm sure), their questions about where I was going, where I had come from, and what I was doing piled on top of each other. (This was funny, because Alpha answered both his own version of these questions as well as Number Four's at the same time I did, although my response took the form of "I was watching my student-teachers" whereas his was more like, "Yes, she was doing actual WORK today.") At any rate, I followed them very happily - they seemed in good spirits - to this little shindig, where I chatted with Professor Number One, drank some wine, listened to their snippets, and took off behind Number Four. I needed to ask him about his email list - it's fine the way it is, apparently - and then, in my opinion more importantly, whether I do in fact have an assistantship for next year. He kind of laughed, which was nice to hear, and explained (again - yeah baby) that I'd probably work with him but that it wasn't quite finalized and that, furthermore, if I did it was on the condition that "manuscripts be published, okay, now that I'm entering the fray, see?" At that, I grasped my umbrella particularly energetically and protested, but just a little - hooah for publishing, and a big, big hooah for Number Four.


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