Wednesday, January 17, 2007

17 Jan 07




$1.25, diet Pepsi before lifting, gym store.
$10, long-coveted Cookie Monster shirt.
$4, egg-white sandwich and coffee, the red place.
$16, notebook (just three-subject, for the first time since I've kept this practice) and "My Freshman Year," school bookstore.
$4, latte, Cafe Collage.
$8, the new usual lunch, the new usual place - "Campus Eatery." (Oy.)
$11, Zen noodles, Galanga.

More interesing things:

Got exactly $3.52 in change at the bookstore, just as I was considering the origins of my notebook choices.

Enjoyed very much the chilly walk from my building to the coffee shop, mostly because it was so cold and bright that it reminded of a day probably 22 or so years ago, when my dad took me to the dentist but in order to get to the car we had to walk across the shiniest, sharpest, clearest, blue-and-white morning of a snow day I had ever seen; I still remember exactly what it looked like.

Bothered the really excellent individual who serves as the chief secretary on our floor with yet another question about a professor or a course or something, this time one in the administration department; Miss J. was going to make the call for me, but not before warning me protectively that "They're not like us, you know...", that they were instead not terribly pleasant or acccomodating. The funny thing, of course, is that I was already thinking that well before I got started at this particular university.


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