30 Apr 07
$3, morning D.P. and a little milk thing for my oatmeal, usual place.
$8, usual lunch, usual place.
$60, what I threw down in exchange for three pints of Bass, a burger, and some unknown quantity of Maker's Mark as I successfully maneuvered a quick escape, Phebe's.
More interesting things:
Laughed - quietly - at a Professor-Number-Six-style rolled "R" from Professor Alpha as he swept up to my desk. All that time he spent drawing my name out apparently spurred him to ask where I'd gotten it from, so I told him first about my mom's middle name and then about the nightclub (whereupon I very generously reminded him how my own middle name plays into that nicely); his response was - in a positive way, now, which is amusing - "Yes, it does sound like a nightclub-y sort of name."
Did a lot of things besides laugh as Professor Alpha came up behind me to ask what we were up to, started answering a question about someone I couldn't find for our list, and then kneeled on the floor right next to me, like he was doing a Queen Anne's Salute. Well, except for the part where he was also leaning into my chair, and, consequently, ME - that would not score any points with the drill judges, of course, but it worked out fine as far as I was concerned. He added to it a minute later when, after getting up (which he did with remarkable grace; my legs would have been falling off and even if I managed to get up without holding the desk I probably would have dropped right back down) and yoinking my pen right out of my hand, he proceeded to wind himself all over my desk in such a way that if I had tried to move back we would have been knotted up: a fine morning indeed.
Spotted Professor Number Six outside the Usual Place, where I got another rolled "R" and, probably more importantly but not any more pleasantly, an okay to miss the first part of class for my meeting. I'm noting it here mainly because a) it's unusual to run into a professor with whom I'm that familiar outside a classroom building and b) I am quite fond!
Felt kind of cool in the "I love getting harassed" way during class when I pulled the evaluation envelopes out of my bag just as Professor Number Seven was getting ready to ask about them and she noted that I served as their "brain backup"; got it again when Professor Alpha mentioned that he was very proud of my lines (the ones on my logic model, which he'd watched me spend rather a lot of time drawing during his meeting last week!) (Also felt kind of cool in a "now I'm going to turn red" way when Number Seven mentioned ways that other students might be able to use said model. Weird, but nice.)
Noted, for the record, that Professor Alpha drinks Maker's on the rocks. (Instead of beer, which, as he demonstrated on Anne's husband, is not good for one's girlish figure.)
Noted, with tremendous amusement and many guffaws, for the record, that Professor Number Four drinks... Old Peculier! And Professor Alpha even made a point of spelling it out for us! So there would be no mistaking that it was the same as the infamous pub! And now, contrary to Anne's wishes, there will be no drinking with Number Four in public, because I will die. Unless I get to the Peculier - a large, large quantity of Peculier - first. Then it might be okay.
Participated in a series of amusing exchanges with Anne, including one in which we discussed how it doesn't seem like we've only known each other for eight months and another in which, less innocently but equally kindly, Anne noticed how cool my red-triangle Bass glass was, added that to what I'd told her about all my Bass drinking with a different professor, and promptly slid the fucker into my bag. (Whereupon Professor Alpha added to it by explaining how that was similar to the day he and his friends wanted to steal the glasses from Trader Vic's, but since they tried to take ALL of them, his late-leaving friends got "held for ransom" until the others brought the glasses back.) Anyway - thanks for thinking of that, Anne!
Identified, correctly, the sour but cough-syrupy shot the party organizer bought us a round of: SoCo and lime. And laughed, yet again, when I realized that for the first time in my life I had slammed a shot with a professor.
Restrained myself, barely, from completely losing control over my bladder, thanks to Patrick and some fascinating question-and-not-really-answer about a certain rude hand gesture. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Answered Professor Alpha's question about whether I was really going to walk with him to the train station in a drunkenly content voice, and then held his bag after he responded to my nod etc. with "Okay, then hold my bag while I go pee." You cannot make these things up. Or if you could, I'm glad I didn't have to - this was all quite real. Anyway, we walked up to Astor Place (although, once we were about halfway there, Alpha noted that it probably would have been closer to go to Bleecker; he added, a second later, and very accurately, that "Well, we're drunk, so the walk is probably good for us,") starting with a series of just-this-side-of-out-of-control giggles as we considered whether it was yet time to cross the street. It continued from there, he (apparently) made his train, and I sat laughing to myself all the way home, except for the small periods of time when I remembered that it must have made me look like a nutcase. Which is also very accurate. But I try to keep that among my people - no need to scare members of the general public.
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