5 Mar 07
$3, bagel and Gatorade (the breakfast of champions, or at least virus-y flu-ish champions), All About Food.
$4, more Gatorade and some water, regular lunch place.
$9, sandwich, pretzels, and yet more Gatorade (don't tell me I'm not school-spirited through and through), All About food.
$19, great burger, a diet Coke, and a "Shocker" (gross name - great shake, complete with Vanilla Stoli), BLT Burger.
$and some cab money.
More interesting things:
Went to the dermatologist and laughed rather more than usual. He was especially talkative today and even included the phrase "pain in the ass," which was amusing, and assured me that I probably don't have the flu but some other virus, as starting the day feeling well and falling off from there is pretty typical of such a thing.
Engaged for a moment in conversation with someone I vaguely recognized as another part-time denizen of my office building, which would have been nice enough, but got interrupted by a buzzing phone that I somehow knew would be announcing a call from Professor Alpha; sure enough, there he was. He just wanted to let me know that he was coming in late due to babysitting duty (and interrupted his explanation thereof to remind the baby who he was talking to) and to ask me to remind Professor Number Seven that he would be coming late to our class, but a) I appreciated the information and b) I appreciated that despite his turkey-noise "okay okay okay's" last time we discussed this issue, he actually abided by them. An excellent start to an otherwise kind of slow-ish morning.
Stewed at length over my twelve-year-old classmate. Not only was she was doing a sudoku instead of listening to Professor Number Seven, or, God forbid, her colleagues, but in a firm retreat to the seventh grade she also decided to hide it behind her textbook. This is something I really have zero patience for among people aspiring to the title of "grownup," particularly on top of my note today that she never posts online (Professor Alpha jumped in very accurately there with the comment that "she's done two," but in opting not to preface that with one of his drawn-out, mitigating "welllll's," it was clear that he remembered this because he's irritated.) To make me feel a little better, however, I did overhear Number Seven mentioning something about this kid in distressed tones to Alpha, so while I don't like to wish mean things at people, I have to admit that I am mentally sticking my tongue at her. (I can do seventh grade, now.)
Found the Asia Society. I mean, not on purpose - I didn't go looking for it or anything - but it happened that the cabbie decided to take Madison for awhile and then Park on my way home, and there it was. (On Park, I think.) I would not really have cared about this in the least, except that the other day, in my positively glorious supe meeting, this lady in front of me had on a silk whosiwhatsit... scarf-thingy... handkerchief... whatever they call it these days, labeled in two places as having come from the Asia Society. Since it was at least as enriching as listening to some of what was happening around me, I pondered for a minute whether she'd gone there to get it, or whether it was like some benefit sale at a department store, or what, but it reminded me of things my grandmother wears, so that made me laugh for a minute. (And now I know where to start if I ever need my own.)
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