Wednesday, February 28, 2007

28 Feb 07




$5, two oatmeals, a D.P. (as Dad used to call it), and some vanilla milk that made for some incredibly good oats, Delion Market.
$2, more D.P., regular lunch place.
$25(ish), sushi (yet again...!), Doo Zo.

More interesting things:

Stood swiping my Metrocard repeatedly before deciding at last to try another turnstile, just, of course, as the local was rolling out. However, just as I finished walking about to where I'd be in the middle of the station I was headed for, another rolled in - and it was practically empty, since it was so close behind the other; I would have been doing the Subterranean Sardine if my card had worked the first time, so... thanks!

Looked at the system map (okay, the car wasn't actually empty, but it was close) and noticed for the first time a Long Island Bus going to Meacham Road. The thing is, if I'm not much mistaken, the old old red plastic card wallet Grandpa gave to my mom at some point says "Meacham Pharmacy." I wonder if it's the same Meacham - probably - and whether it's still there - I think I might be inclined to say "probably" again, and I'm glad about that.

Sat at my desk, very obviously reading an article (which happened to be Professor Number Four's) with my feet up and my pen out; somehow, the Union Girl took this as an indication that it was a PERFECT time to stop and harangue... I mean CHAT! with me. So, fine - if she's going to be brassy, so will I, if a little less so, which meant that this time around I tried to explain - as politely as I could - about my organizing-related misgivings. Just about the time that we had actually struck up a back-and-forth pretty obvious to anyone who walked by, since she was standing in the middle of the freaking hall, the Mighty Three (plus another Mighty One, Professor Number Five) thundered by. Their procession included a chair-steal by Professor Alpha, featuring an exchange I initiated about how the cool kids had at last returned; a sympathetic shoulder-pat and eyebrow-waggle from Professor Number Four, which required him to sort of dart down low between Union Girl and me; and, finally, a short recessional by Professor Number One, who stopped on her way back out to get water or something to squeeze my shoulders, lean down close to my ear, and kind of squeal, "It's going to RAAAAIIIN on Friday!", causing me to laugh, obviously - first because she sounded so cute, second because she's keeping track of the frickin' weather with regard to our skyline-observation activities, third because it was, as Anne noted later, a pleasant "inside" comment, and fourth (maybe above all), because it was pretty damn amusing to pause and think about the fact that as far as Union Girl was concerned she had just seen a distinguished-looking elder professor stop to announce to a doctoral student in tones of great distress a largely insignificant future weather event. By the time we were done, I think I made it reasonably clear what my problem with signing the petition is, and I do love exposing what are presented as rock-solid arguments as being mostly limestone or clay or something, but without question the best part was how my retyyyyamint comyewnity made a point of treating me in front of someone they could tell I didn't want to talk to.

Decided that even though I'd walked up the non-deli avenue coming home from the train I would cross over and get something, and was rewarded in front of my market of choice not just by the Alachua license plate on the car parked there but by the way the license plate included the combination "4TE." Funny.


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