Monday, February 19, 2007

17 Feb 07





More interesting things:

Took my little sister to brunch at Annie's and then caught a bus just in time to get across town to the natural history museum. On the way, we got a good view of gorgeously white and snowy Central Park, complete with little kids sledding; the sight (snow, I mean, not particularly the kids) is still a shock because even though I've gotten more used to the idea of flakes of frozen water blanketing the ground, in most places the flakes are gray and stuck together in big, mean, concrete-looking frozen clumps, and it's a nice surprise to see the fluffy scrunchy stuff I mentioned here earlier. We also passed a whole troop of cops, congregating around a command van on Fifth Avenue. When my sister asked me what they were doing, I was able to sort of infer that they were getting ready for some kind of largely benign event only because they looked exactly like my squad of MP cadets always did when we were preparing to run Back to School night or the IB induction or something: nicely decked out and... like, team-ish - you could see and feel a sense among the group that together WE are preparing to keep things running smoothly for YOU, and you wouldn't know how to do it, but we're glad to able to participate.

Listened to a couple of other, non-ROTC-looking cops talking, this time on the subway headed for the grilled cheese place, and gathered that one of them just HAD to be Italian; when I managed to catch a glimpse of his nameplate, it was even better proof than I could have asked for: Siciliano.

Ate, as might be expected given the last note here, at the grilled cheese place; went to Old Navy; went back to my apartment (at last - we were tired!); went out to dinner at... oh yeah, Ship of Fools, which was great.


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