Friday, February 16, 2007

15 Feb 07




$4, red-place breakfast, red place (duh.)
$7, usual lunch, usual place. (These accounts of my daytime chow runs are fascinating, aren't they?)
$26, burrito and beverages, Blockhead's.

More interesting things:

Stood across from a woman sitting on the subway bench with an ugly ol' TCRWP bag. Retch.

Looked at Washington Square Park and realized that with the snow it really looked like my shiny sparkly blue-and-white dentist day from back in the day.

Opened one of my great-aunt's emails, which I rarely do, and found that the original mailing list included addresses not associated merely with the town of Mineola but with Mineola public schools. Weird.

Started the day, pretty much (I think it was the second or third song I got), with the faster version of the Hallelujah Chorus on my iPod. Lately it has seemed like the songs that come up are associated fairly closely with what I'm thinking or doing for the day, and I was glad to find that this was far from an exception. In place of the past week's largely unenthusiastic exchanges with Professor Alpha, we had: a warm (both literally and figuratively) slap-five at the beginning of Possible Professor Delta's talk; a declaration that thanks to the "growing hostility" it's a good thing Alpha's office is here rather than elsewhere - my comment that I didn't know whether to be nervous about the hostility thing was answered with, "Oh, not towards you, honey... quite the opposite, quite the opposite"; an explanation to an undergrad surprised by my working quarters that they "keep [me] here all the time... all we need is the right drugs"; a nice copy-room sort of... head-hug, or something, based on our discussion that I was in fact nearly done with his copies, had done them correctly, and had taken so long more because of the job in front of me than because I'm challenged in the copying department; a request to shut down his computer before leaving (with the note that even if he'd accidentally locked the door behind him the secretary would have let me in); and the friendliest good-bye - involving elbow-grabs - that I've gotten in days. As the Robert Shaw Chorale mentioned this morning: Hallelujah.

Introduced Roey to Professor Alpha among all that. It was nice to get two of my favorite New England guys into a conversation, particularly since apparently it involved one touching the other's knee; I'll let you figure out who did what.


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