Monday, March 05, 2007

3 Mar 07





More interesting things:

Remembered an amusing conversation from the dinner party at Professor Number One's last night. I happened to sit in the middle of one side of the table, which meant that there was one exchange taking place to my left, one across the table, and one to my right; I was kind of serving in the spot of, like, conversational interstitial fluid. This was pretty nice after a minute, though - I get pretty good at sticking my ears (and my small comments) into all of them and I like being part of everything. This time, however, the pleasure of being all over the table was at least matched by a shake of the head and a knowing (even though I hate that adjective, it's appropriate here) laugh from E.L., who noted, "I see what you're doing! I'm watching you! You're like, ADD! Intelligent ADD! Paying attention to all these conversations!" And then, an aside to her neighbor: "You see what she's doing? She's talking first with this one, then with this one." Back to me: "No wonder you get along with Professor Alpha so well."

Ate a lovely - and well-behaved, weight-lifterish - brunch with Rebecca at Annie's, which was even better because in the course of getting there I walked past the fish store right next to it, with windows featuring an artfully balanced tableau of bluefish with whole lemons in their toothy little mouths, salmon gracefully arching through their bed of ice with heads and tails visible, and small silver dishes with oysters for an accent.

Came out of the market north of my house with a bottle of water and had to ask a Komondor, who with his two people was blocking the sidewalk, to move over a little. (Clearly the humans were too involved in their conversation to attend to traffic.) I looked back over my shoulder as I walked away, relishing my mop-dog sighting even if I'm not a big fan, and realized that he looked like something right out of Harry Potter.


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