25 Jan 07
More interesting things:
Walked to the Barney Building on Stuyvesant Street past a high window with a pink Care Bear on the ledge. Like the umbrella hanging from Lafayette's finger in Union Square Park, someone had to climb up there - or reach through what I recall to be a very secure window - to put him out.
Found that had she not suddenly decided to do otherwise, I would have been teaching a course this summer with Professor Number Five; according to Professor Number One, "I figured you could handle her!"
Agreed with Professor Number One's response to the breakfast buffet laid out at the meeting we were attending in the Barney Building: "Sure, I'll have some breakfast... what the hell." (Even if I only drank coffee.)
Discussed water exercises with Professor Number One (we WERE hanging out for awhile, waiting for the meeting to begin), at which point she mentioned "my son the doctor," and was so cool that she was making fun of herself for saying it.
Contemplated, for some reason I can't specifically recall right this second, the fact that "word gets around." I still think this is true, especially with regard to the small community of a program within a department within a college within a university, and I'm sure I enjoyed whatever it was that caused me to think about that, but now I can't remember. Nor can I remember why I typed "belonging" into my phone, but again, I'm sure there was a really good, really pleasant reason for it.
Noticed that the former chair of the department, who sings "White Christmas" on a Monday morning and responds to Professor Alpha's apologetic "Sorry, young man, you're a little late and it wasn't white" with "Oh, okay... well, have a good weekend!", was wearing Abercrombie cargo pants with his more professorish sweater.
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