Monday, January 22, 2007

22 Jan 07




$0, breakfast at the red place, because Roey owed me from something else.
$7, the new usual lunch, the new usual place.
$13, half an appetizer and Drunken Noodles, Galanga.

More interesting things:

Walked to breakfast with Roey and misheard - though I think I can be forgiven, in view of the number of times he actually does say "boobs" - when he told me about some girl's enormous boots. What I particularly liked in this instance was the way he characterized them: he said it looked like she had stepped in two dogs.

Watched a guy who might have been trying to multitask in his efforts both to improve his posture and keep his head warm. He had a paper cup of coffee balanced up there, and appeared to be concentrating on something about that activity; whether it was maintaining the cup in its precarious position or focusing on whatever heat it provided, I'm not entirely sure.

Passed one of the green mailboxes on University Place which read on the side - and I'm quite sure it wasn't there last week - "God Buns 1986," whatever the hell that might mean.

Saw a pair of Basenjis, prompting me to think that if you're really after a "barkless" dog but prefer not to trade off, I don't know, a nice coat or an interesting personality, you would do much better to collect a couple of huskies.

Got an offer from Professor Alpha to show me not only the video of some strange sort of play in which he helped narrate the history of the ed school for the purposes of celebrating its renaming but also, "if you really want to laugh," the tapes of the Sunrise Semester, "like, 25 years ago." Of course, I noted for his benefit that I'd missed it the first time, as I'd only been a year old, to which he responded, "Yes, you probably weren't awake yet."

Attended the first meeting of the Monday class, conducted in a particularly enjoyable way by Professor Alpha AND Professor Number Seven. A couple of us walked to the classroom with the professors, the discussion was great, the assignments are going to be authentic and profitable, but the best part was when I opened my comments on what led me from my own teacher ed program to this course by contrasting with two of my classmates' descriptions of their "excited young professors" my experience with excited middle-aged professors; this would not by itself have been more than a mildly witty transition except that when Number Seven visited Alpha's office this morning, I recounted for him Friday's events with Professor Number Six, enabling him to respond to my introduction, "Good thing they weren't older," thereby causing almost 33% of the students - and 100% of the instructors, thank you - to let out a snort and a giggle.


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