Monday, October 02, 2006

2 Oct 06




$0, even though I was STRONGLY considering ordering a burger from Jackson Hole for dinner.

More interesting things:

Looked at my wooden floor and realized that with the sun striping it from around the shades, it looked just like IB exams at Old School Square. This might seem to be another non-New Yorkish entry, but it's actually an indirect observation of something that's common here and almost unheard of in Florida: everybody and their mother in this town has hardwood floors, whereas in the south even the oldest houses are more likely to be tiled, and so what I have in my very own bedroom here reminds me of something nice I only got to see a few times a year down there.

Got almost all of my work done. I still have to write a critical summary, but that's getting easier and easier, and I have a chapter to read and then summarize, but I can do that pretty much however I want, so... things are good. Probably this would be a good time to, I don't know, work on my bibliography or my research project or my OTHER research project (well, lit review, I hope) or my funding search or.... But for now I'm just glad that I'm pretty much caught up, and also that I was able to come up with SOMETHING for today's entry!

More interesting things I haven't done yet:

Gotten the new gold school t-shirt. I think it's long-sleeved, and I really would prefer it short-sleeved, but it's still quite cool-looking, so one of these days maybe I'll get it.


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