Sunday, September 24, 2006

23 Sep 06


Four-page response to a textbook, about four hours with time for eating, drinking, complaining, and mail-checking, so that's pretty good.


$1.50, diet Pepsi from yet another market (this one - north of my street, first one on the left - is quite cool.)
$87, groceries because I was even out of peanut butter.

More interesting things:

Listened to the end of the Kentucky-slapping. Excellent. It was particularly cool because on Yahoo you can listen to it from either school's perspective, so of course I got Mick Hubert and a better-than-network chance to hear what was going on in the actual stadium... I do love the Swamp.

Did schoolwork the rest of the day. It's not that interesting (to write about, I mean; it is pretty interesting to actually do), but this seems like an awfully curt entry so I thought I'd go ahead and stick that up there too.


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