Sunday, October 01, 2006

1 Oct 06




$127, groceries.
$8, pizza to go with the Seahawks game at Anne's.

More interesting things:

Passed a party of pigeons on my way home from the gym. I don't think that's what a group of them is really called, of course - I think it's a bevy or at least a flock or something - but these ones were definitely getting down with their bad selves in a big puddle. They were wading. Like, on purpose. Not flapping their wings taking a bath, not drinking. Wading. And having a pigeon-ball.

Passed, shortly thereafter, a smallish husky waiting for his person outside a market, and he (well, probably "she," actually, given the size) looked just like Ratface Blu, with the white triangle going up the face instead of the black stripe coming down.

Crossed West 66th near Lincoln Center on my way to study with another Dumpling and noticed that it had been named Peter Jennings Way. I can't quite remember whether I've walked over that street recently, but if I have, I missed that part, and I'm glad to see it. I like Canadians, especially ones who spend hours and hours at work in the public eye telling us what was happening to this American city over the course of a week when we really needed to know.


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