8 Sep 06
Woke up 1030, UPS arrived 1200. (Not bad at all, especially as I learned that I don't have to worry about waiting around for them any more.)
$0, since I would like to be able to buy a beer during the football game tomorrow AND stay in my budget.
More interesting things:
Really enjoyed The Saber-Toothed Curriculum. It was a good start to my school reading.
Got to watch the Cosby Show as I huffed through my hour run this afternoon, and saw that a girl behind me, on the elliptical, was laughing just as hard as I was.
Felt a little surreal when the second Cosby episode opened with a shot of Theo's trunks and suitcases, all sporting purple NYU stickers. That brought me back to one of my favorite thoughts, that there are lots of people and things and places you know, or maybe I should say know OF, and you never know what role those already-familiar things are going to play in your future life. It certainly isn't as though I didn't realize this school existed; I could have put my four-year-old finger on its name in the back of my dictionary very easily. I just didn't know how important it - and lots of other things - would become.
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