Sunday, September 03, 2006

3 Sep 2006


I'm going to put a sign on my door to remind myself to CHECK... MY... WATCH! before I leave the house.


$17, Bananas Foster French toast brunch at Blue Water Grill.
$45, groceries at Pioneer [Not-Really-That]Supermarket.
$40, groceries at Pathmark, a genuine supermarket [didn't come from weekly budget].
$6, mesclun mix and portobello mushroom slices at Annie's Vegetable Market.

More interesting things:

Enjoyed a really, really lovely brunch at Blue Water Grill on Union Square - with pecans AND a complimentary Screwdriver involved, I'm not sure how you could go wrong. Plus, somehow, the atmosphere was like that of Houston's would be if they were open during the day. And to top it all off, the bar is made of copper.

Realized that a) the trip to Pathmark is not bad at all, and b) I actually kind of like being in there.

More interesting things I haven't done yet:

Found a bright yellow-gold Polo shirt like the one I saw someone wearing at the restaurant today.

Visited Max Brenner, the Bald Chocolate Man (or whatever he's called), which I plan to do even though it didn't get the best reviews.

Gone back to the site of this morning's excellent brunch. I'm thinking it would be a good spot for the GP's.


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