5 May 07
$11, lunch, Milano Market.
$10, bread product dinner, one diner or another.
$40, tequila etc., East 87th.
More interesting things:
Walked to the deli past sidewalks and restaurants populated by numbered, shorts-wearing runners. It was warm and lovely, with windows opened wide, and the atmosphere was just the right kind of easy-going, late spring hubbub.
Jumped in front of a pack of well-dressed, brie-consuming young guys after one of them fell in behind me with the observation that HE was not trying to cut in line, as opposed to the even larger guy who had in fact gotten ahead of me and then, apologizing with "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry - why didn't you tell me?", pushed me even in front of his friend, who had actually gotten on line before me.
Enjoyed a great Cinco de Mayo at Marisa's. Thanks, friend.
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