3 May 07
$75, purple polo shirt, Polo on... well, somewhere in SoHo.
$20, the usual dinner (that's scary), Blockhead's.
More interesting things:
Spotted a New York... sheriff's car? I'm trying to figure out what a sheriff might cover that city police, state police, and Port Authority police wouldn't have pretty much taken care of between them.
Contemplated the upcoming purchase of said purple polo shirt in light of the fact that there is definitely nothing like "orange and blue Fridays" here. I remember thinking that FYF instructor's comments were so cool: "Well, YOU guys don't notice, because you wear Gator stuff everyDAY, but you know, on Fridays we wear our orange and blue stuff, and it's nice." She's right - it IS nice. Nice community.
Stared, intensely, at the elevator ceiling, because I rode four floors with none other than Professor Wink himself.
Tripped, nearly, over some undergraduates staring morosely at the darkened window in a closed office door in the hallway behind my desk. It cracked me up, because of course I remember BEING that undergraduate, hoping that maybe if I knocked a little more persuasively or stuck my ear a little harder to the door, Dr. B. would magically appear.
Met Rebecca in the park for a few minutes, because it was gorgeous. (It was also too hot for long-sleeved silk shirts. But gorgeous.) Anyway, we sat on a bench near a girl in an old Gator t-shirt; she informed me, when I asked, that it was just because she liked blue, not because she had in fact gone to Florida. (Too bad for her.)
Got a nice phone call, terminating with the ever-appreciated phrase, "Thanks, babe!" I'm quite sure I'll never get tired of that.
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