3 Nov 06
$3, some kind of coffee (hey, at least I remembered I HAD some...), Oren's.
$18 (or so), a more-than-passable pastrami and sandwich and beverages (just Woodpecker - eh), Josie Wood's.
$85, very cool black V-neck sweater and a really soft scarf exactly the color orange I was hoping for, Banana Republic.
More interesting things:
Enjoyed, as usual, the Friday class. I don't remember what started it - oh wait, yes I do: it was my turn to do the Research Question Tango, so I wrote up my original, very vague (and forced - I couldn't think of anything else to write back when I did the assignment) question about reading and writing, mentioning as I did that it was my old one, and not something that appeared in my research journal; I was herded back to my chair in a chorus of things like "Put up a new one!", which of course I responded to with a bunch of light-hearted apologies to Jenn (who now had to go first) and everyone else. (It's my version of doing all the humble Japanese bowing, I guess.) Professor Number Four told me once to cut it out, though - I hope he didn't think I really felt bad! - and we drove on. Then, near the end of class, we all had to share three sentences from our research journals; I had some good ones picked out, about the Labaree article, but they were pretty long, so of course I apologized for that too - and while Professor Number Five nodded approvingly (I think) over my passage choice, Number Four leaned toward me from across the table and almost hissed, "Stop... apologizing!" Which broke me up completely, needless to say; he's just lucky I didn't say sorry for saying sorry! Ah well - in short, the dynamic in that class is quite lovely, and I'm glad we have it even if it's a little fluffy.
Went, with almost all my classmates, to the above-mentioned Josie Wood's. It reminded me very much of the Friday's/Chili's days of yore, and although I hoped I might get something like that back again, I wouldn't necessarily have bet on it - and yet, here it is. (And I can't say I ever got a demonstration of the mouse dance in Gainesville.)
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