20 Nov 06
$6, pet food, gym store.
$4, maple macchiato, campus Starbucks.
$12, regular lunch (but for dinner!), regular place...
More interesting things:
Noticed a sign in front of... Annie's Vegetable Market, I think? reminding patrons that no dogs were allowed in the store but that "The Flowerman Will Hold Your Pets." First of all, I didn't realize "flowerman" was a single compound noun, but I like it. And second, does he know that's part of his job description? I mean, is it something he discussed with his boss? What if someone wants to buy a bouquet when he has hands full of Irish Wolfhounds?
Agreed with Roey, in a truly odd turn of the conversation yesterday, that the old Toyota "Dogs Loooove TRUCKS!" commercials were works of genius. Excellent.
Got an email back from someone at Starbucks about that comment card Anne and I had filled out awhile ago, telling us that the supervisors at the "West Fourth Street store" would be informed about their employees' great work. I hope that's true, because they really do crack us up.
Enjoyed thoroughly a series of conversations with my fabulous Violet friends. I always appreciate being reminded of Johnny B.'s point that it is so pleasant and somehow kind of surprising - no matter what kind of high self-esteem you have - to realize that people you really like happen to like you back just as much.
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