Sunday, October 22, 2006

22 Oct 06




$66, lots of eggs, yogurt, and salad stuff, among other things, Gristede's.
$10, an okay (but not fabulous) version of my new walnut-related salad, but at least this one came to my door rather than me going to get it, City Market Cafe by way of SeamlessWeb.

More interesting things:

Watched as a whole party of pigeons swooped over the avenue at once; I guess they landed in a pack around this tree in the sidewalk, because when two little girls and their grownup walked their dogs past... WHOOSH! I never saw a pigeon exodus quite like it. Woof woof - not even a very loud woof woof! - and those guys were gone in a big tutting, cooing, pigeonly huff.

Finished my presentation for Professor Number One's class. Just thought I'd add that in there since besides my pigeons and a pretty normal trip to the gym, I've been straight chillin' all day.


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