23 July 07
$3, protein bar and Diet Coke (yecch), newsstand in Grand Central (and conveniently right outside my Yonkers-bound track.)
More interesting things:
Worked almost painfully hard at not laughing when Professor Alpha tripped, apparently on the door to his living room. I'm not sure how that worked, exactly, but I have to admit to a serious laughing-at-people-who-slip problem, exacerbated by any commentary on the part of the slippee which resembles something like "Jesus fucking Christ!" as it did in this instance. I choked it all back, though; somebody owes me a cookie.
Wore a not-that-slickly commandeered karate t-shirt rather than my one of my favorite (white) polo shirts, which in itself was quite fabulous but which was heightened all the more when, on our way out through the chilly rain to the UHaul place and the grocery store, Professor Alpha tossed not just a jacket but one of his jackets at me. I put it on, waited quite awhile for him to join me near the front door, took it off because I felt like a dork, hung it on the back of a living room chair, and finally answered Alpha's question about whether I was in fact going to wear it with an "I was just waiting...", which got cut off by my into-the-jacket shrug - and, perhaps needless to say, his turkey noises. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the great sartorial accomplishment of my life: not choosing the perfect evening gown, not finding heels that manage to be both good-looking and comfortable, not even picking out a new favorite pair of jeans, but wearing clothing items belonging to not one but two - count 'em, TWO - handsome bearded professors all at one time.
Announced to Professor Alpha, as we left ShopRite with several cans of beans dangling from my left hand, that last July I couldn't really have predicted I'd be hitting up a supermarket just one short year later with the very guy who'd interrupted my bellowing at lazy cadets with an invitation for a phone interview: wasn't exactly in the plans, but oh man.
Discussed, for some reason, being broke all the time - oh, I think it was because somehow Professor Alpha was explaining that his view on money is that it's made to be used, which was the point on which I offered my agreement, although I added that I hoped I would not in fact be broke all the time. He heh-heh-ed a good laugh and responded with, "Well, you picked me as your role model, so you might want to get used to it," or something like that. (Whatever it was, it involved that comment about the role model business, which was the [lovely] key thing here....)
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